3 Ways People Fail At Writing (And How To Make Sure YOU Succeed)

3 Ways People Fail At Writing (And How To Make Sure YOU Succeed)

The single biggest lesson that I have learned on my self-publishing journey (and this includes blogging as well) is that as a writer you have to get out of your own way and go with the creative process.

What do I mean by that?

I mean that when it comes to writing and publishing (either through blogging or indie platforms like Kindle) many beginning writers never even get out of the gate because they don’t know how the creative process works.

Lots of writers when they start off will take an idea and try to develop it into a book or an article or a short story or whatever. They begin strong, full of enthusiasm, but inevitably they falter for various reasons and whatever progress they made comes to a stop.

Pen Names In Self-Publishing: Good Idea Or Not?

Pen Names In Self-Publishing: Good Idea Or Not?

The decision as to whether or not to use a pen name is one that many self-publishers have had to make at some point.

It is something I debated for a long while when I first decided to move from writing non-fiction to fiction.

So in this first article for the blog, I would like to go over some of the pro’s and con’s of using a pen name. If you are at the stage where you are considering using a pen name, this article may help you with your decision.